Identity Theft Amongst Seniors Rising

The US Department of Justice’s Bureau of Justice Statistics recently released data that shows identity theft is a rising epidemic amongst senior citizens ages 50 or older. Over 3.5 million homes were affected by identity theft, including two types: scams via telephone or medical fraud. They are advising seniors to remain cautious of telemarketers and never pay for anything, since it would be very difficult to recover the funds. They recommend that seniors request information through the mail before donating any money, and going over it with a trusted friend or relative. Always research companies through the BBB or National Fraud Information Center before making any deals or offers. Get their details such as name, number, address, business license, etc. before engaging in any deals. Never pay in advance, or sign a blank claim form. Do not pay door-to-door salesmen or provide your personal information, as well, according to news reports.

As a personal injury attorney, I see many individuals getting taken advantage of by large companies or scammed by people out to steal your hard-earned money. If you or someone dear to you was harmed, you may want to hire an attorney to help defend your legal rights. With an attorney on your side, you are more likely to get the full results you deserve for your case. An attorney can answer your questions and help guide you through the steps associated with your claim.